Memberships | Eastern Iowa Arts Academy

Creative and Innovative Classes

Art and music develop lifelong skills, passions, problem-solving, stress relief, memory retention, purpose, personal satisfaction... the list goes on and on!


Memberships are for K-12 students who love art and music and last for an entire year.

Memberships are not required, but will save you money in the long run if you attend multiple classes throughout the year. (Memberships are only available for students, but check out what we have for adults!)

For $192, EIAA Members get unlimited access to:
(Click each item for more details)
    •    MAS Classes (Music & Arts Studio Classes) - art supplies provided!
    •    Camps
    •    Open Studio
    •    SPARK (Middle and High School students only)
    •    Social Events
    •    Access to join Rock Academy (additional fees apply to join Rock Academy) and Open Jams
    •    Lending Library full of music and art books and resources in The Nest.
    •    Access to (basically) free instrument, gear, and iPad rentals.

Canvas Paint

With a Membership, students ages K-12th can explore and develop their artistic interests, skills, and talents while working alongside professional artists and musicians, and a diverse group of music & art-loving students.

Not quite ready to be a member? 

There’s still A LOT of opportunities for you:
(Click each item for more details)
    •    Coffee & Art Club - Free! (Adults only)
    •    Open Studio
    •    Teen Hang (Teens 13-18 only)

* Remember: We have financial aid for memberships and MAS+ classes. All you have to do is ASK!


• • • • • • • PURCHASE A MEMBERSHIP • • • • • • • 

MAS Logo white text RGB no address.png MAS Classes

Music & Arts Studio Classes are designed to teach new creative skills to people of all ages and skill levels through guided, multicultural art. Classes are broken up into age groups and taught by professional, local artists and instructors. Classes range from drawing, painting, sculptures, stained glass, guitar, keyboard, ukulele, percussion, print-making, dance, creative writing, and so much more. Come gain a new appreciation for art and celebrate the rich diversity in our community.

Keyboard class
kids on the lawn

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Music & Arts Studio Plus Classes are a bit more involved than our regular MAS classes. These classes are offered to the general public, as well as our Members. It’s common for these MAS+ classes to have a small additional fee due to the complex nature of the projects. If you’re concerned with the fees, just let us know. We have financial aid for those who need it. Just ask!

painting pets
Craig with Kids


During the summer months we shift our weekly programming to camp programming! This just means these classes meet once a day for week, rather than once a week for multiple weeks. You'll get the same wonderful programming and benefits as you would in weekly programming! 

Sounds of Africa
Kids, Pizza, Guitars

Open Studio

Let your imagination and creativity run wild every Saturday morning. Use our art supplies and create an amazing piece of work, or head downstairs to The Cave to play drums, keyboards, guitars, ukuleles, sing into the microphones, and create a drum circle with our many percussion instruments. Open studio is a great way to meet new friends who share a love for the arts in a safe, welcoming environment. Professional artists and instructors are standing by for guidance and assistance. Open Studio is a great time to come give us a tour and check us out!

  • Each Saturday from 10am - noon (except for holidays and bad weather)
  • $5 for non-members
  • Grades K-12 (Parents and guardians, we request that you supervise children under the age of 5 at all times.) 
  • Location: 2630 B Ave NE, 52402 Cedar Rapids IA
Kid with mic

Teen Hang

Teen hang is like Open Studio combined with a party! And it's only for teens 13-18. Teens from all over Cedar Rapids and beyond come together to hang out in a fun, safe, creative, and accepting environment. Past themes have included tie-dye night, cookouts, bad 80's movies, cosplay, board games, cereal night, and so much more. Food and drinks are provided.

This is a great opportunity to bring a friend and introduce them to EIAA!

  • Second Thursday of each month from 6pm - 8pm
  • FREE for all teens!
  • Check out our Events Page for the upcoming themes
Teen Hang

Adult Opportunities

Memberships are not available to adults at this time, however, we have multiple opportunities for people ages 18+ to get involved with the arts. 

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Coffee & Art Club is for adults to enjoy each other's company while working on art projects and sipping a cup of joe. Bring your own project to work on, use a few of our art supplies to explore and experiment with different art mediums, or just come to hang out with creative people! 

  • No art experience necessary. 
  • Tuesdays 9:30 am - 11:00 am
  • Located at the MAS. 
  • FREE!
  • Free coffee too!
  • Donations are accepted
  • Ages 18 and up

Adult Classes

Adult-only classes range from resin creations, stained glass projects, photography, acrylic paint, watercolor, paper making, and SO much more. To see a list of classes that are coming up, visit our Classes page. 

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Art Den is an open studio for adults who are serious about their artwork. Bring your own project, or come use any of our art supplies while you hang out for a couple hours with other creative adults.  Bring a snack or beverage and meet new artistic friends!

  • Experienced artists
  • Fridays from 10 am - Noon
  • Located at our Studio 17 location
  • $5/visit, or purchase a punch card that will give you 6 visits for $25!
  • Ages 18 and up