Mar 13, 2023
Christopher Burgess shares his insight on the arts and its effect on the different stages of life.

Aug 16, 2022
Anna received her Silver Award from Girl Scouts for bringing the arts to her community!

Jan 11, 2022
Guitar legend, Brook Hoover, shares how music has changed lives, welcomed friendships, and impacted the well-being of his students.

Oct 18, 2021
Megan shares her experiences as a former art intern at EIAA and how it has played a part in her life journey.

Feb 9, 2021
Remember how many art projects you did in elementary school? You probably were always cutting or gluing or painting or coloring SOMETHING pretty much every day, right? Do you remember when art stopped being involved in everyday learning at school? Naomi shares her experience in elementary through high school, and how art, and the absence of it, played a huge role in her learning.

Jan 14, 2021
Jeni Head (EIAA Board of Directors) shares her experience with her son, Ethan—a drummer at EIAA—and the amazing opportunities he's been able to experience.

Dec 16, 2020
We wanted to send out a special thank you to everyone that donated to the 11th annual Harvesting the Arts. Your generosity helped us raise over $34,000 that will help students in the area stay connected to art and music through the Eastern Iowa Arts Academy!